The Syndicate is the Executive Authority of the University. As per the Private University Act- 2010, the Syndicate directs and oversees all academic and administrative activities and management of the University. It evaluates the recommendations of the Academic Council, Finance Committee, Disciplinary Committee and other statutory bodies and recommends those to the Board of Trustees for approval. The Syndicate creates different posts, appoints teachers, officials, and staff, makes their service rules and job responsibilities, recommends the pay scale and tuition and other fees, etc. The Syndicate is chaired by the Vice Chancellor. The Syndicate consists of the following members:

Prof. Qazi Azizul Mowla, PhD, FIAB, AAG
Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Pacific University

Mr. Banamali Bhowmick
Hon’ble Treasurer, PU

Prof. Dr. M. R. Kabir
AC Nominee, PU

Prof. Dr. Bashir Ahmed Bhuiyan
Dean Nominee by VC, PU

Rumel M. S. Rahman Pir
Head Nominee by VC, PU

Mr. Md. Belayet Hossain Talukder
Govt. Nominee, PU

Mr. Syed Abdul Hye
Nominee, Board of Trustees, PU

Prof. Dr. A. N. M. Meshquat Uddin
Nominee, Board of Trustees, PU

Mr. Shaikhul Haque Chowdhury
Nominee, Board of Trustees, PU

Prof. Dr. Md. Kabir Hossain 
UGC Nominee, PU

Mr. Md. Mofizul Islam
Member Secretary
Registrar, PU