Dr. Md. Rezaul Hakim
Dean (In-Charge), Faculty of Arts and Modern Language
Email: dean_aml@pubdedu.com

Department of English

Overview of the Department

The Department of English at Pacific University started its voyage from the very beginning of this university as one of the three departments that inaugurated the academic activities of the university. The first batch of the Department started their classes on March 04, 2002 with 13 bright and enthusiastic students.

It offers a dynamic and supportive community of highly qualified and dedicated faculty members and number of vibrant students.  From the time of its inception, the department aims at producing good human beings who will be able to think differently and capable of meeting up the demands and challenges of the fastest growing globalized world. The department makes every effort to kindle humanistic learning with the capacity of rational and imaginative responses through literature and language studies.

The Department of English has a comprehensive self-assessment process. The criteria and standards of education of this department has already been externally reviewed by international and national quality assurance specialists and marked the department in good standing. Post Self-Assessment Improvement Plan (PSAIP) as part of quality culture is in place for the department. Process Management and Continuous Improvement are unique strengths of all programmes of the Department of English.

Starting with a bunch of promising students, the department is now a home to around 500 (five hundred) potential and innovative students. The Department of English is currently equipped with 10 (ten) full time faculty members along with adjunct faculty members, who are resourceful, relentlessly hard-working and committed, as the department never compromises with excellence. Keeping in view with the on-going literary trend and updated language teaching methodology, the department offers diverse and modernised undergraduate and graduate courses.

To enhance and continue the innovation and creativity of the students, the department arranges various curricular activities like seminars, workshops, literary quiz competitions, literary and linguistic presentations, text based movie-shows, contests of speech and composition. To inflame the zeal of learning among the students, the department persistently encourages extra-curricular activities like production of stage drama, book reading competition, annual tour, visits and trips, annual cultural programme, etc.

To broaden their outlook and to make them learn more than just classroom studies, the students are inspired to involve with Sports Club, Debating Club, Social Services Club, Cultural Club, Photographic Society and BNCC, etc. The Department of English provides classrooms with all modern equipment and facilities, including multimedia-projector, air condition, Wi-Fi connectivity, etc. The students of the department facilitate themselves with the good collection of books on literature and linguistics in the central library and also have the access to the modern computer lab.

The Curriculum of the Department is updated with the changing needs of time, keeping with the developments in the field elsewhere in the world. The department, thus, tries to address the local needs and global trends in English studies over the time. Most of the courses on the curriculum of this department are literature courses. The purpose of such courses is to develop students’ critical and creative faculties, to explore their potentials, to develop their aesthetic sense and finally to improve their human qualities. However, apart from the literature courses, the department offers courses on English Language, Linguistics, English Language Teaching (ELT) and some others to cater to the current demand of the time. The aims and objectives of these non-literature courses are to develop students’ English language proficiency, their communicative competence, translation skills and also to develop their understanding of the society and environment in which they live.  Along with the major courses the department offers some general education courses like Emergence and History of Bangladesh, Bangladeshi Art and Culture, Basic Bangla Language Skills, Introduction to Bangla Literature, Basic Philosophical Concepts, Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology and Basic Philosophical Concepts.

The study of English literature allows learners to develop new ideas and ethical standpoints, and can help individuals to present themselves as educated and responsible members of society. Studying English literature can be an enriching, eye-opening experience. Many of the graduates the department produced are well placed in life. Graduates of the department qualified the BCS (Bangladesh Civil Service) examinations and have been working in higher capacities. Many of them are employed as teachers in colleges and universities, and many others are working in banks, NGOs and many other government and non-government sectors. The graduates are working with good reputation in their workplaces.

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Literature

Vision: The Department of English at Pacific University offers B.A. (Honours) in English literature to produce good humane graduates with attributes who will be able to contribute to national and global development at large.

Mission: The mission of the Department of English is to provide learners with knowledge of English language and literary studies. The programme creates opportunities for learners in conceptualizing the fundamental genres of English literature, cultural aspects, many different historical facts, theories, researches and aesthetics written in English. The programme also fosters some interdisciplinary courses to relevantly impart the needs of general education for synthesis.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs):

After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able

♦ to master competence in English language proficiency and obtain sound understanding of literature in general,

♦ to excel in individual accomplishment with the English writings, morals and sophistication,

♦ to explore the ways of research work and attainment of enlightenment from within.

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

The learners of this programme will be able to

♦ define, explain, examine, enlist the literary terms, genres, history, theories and cultural issues in English study,

♦ describe and narrate English linguistic aspects,

♦ learn techniques and strategies of professional writing in English language,

♦have knowledge of Philosophy, Bangla language, literature, Bangladesh Studies and Emergence of Bangladesh,

♦ acquaint with concepts and understanding of poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction and literary criticism,

♦ equip with creative and analytical abilities through theories and forms,

♦ involve in various skill development activities,

♦ obtain knowledge of unhindered thinking in line with conceptual ideas,

♦ acquire knowledge of professionalism, interest in research activities,

♦ show leadership qualities.

Generic Skills:

♦ Intellectual skills

♦ Practical and problem solving skills

♦ Numeracy and analytical skills

♦ Entrepreneurship and innovation skills

♦ Communication and ICT skills

♦ Interpersonal, teamwork and leadership skill

♦ Self-Management and personal development skills

♦ Commitment to community, country and humanity

Teaching-Learning and Assessment

The Department of English ensures effective teaching-learning to provide quality education. Teaching-Learning and Assessment is based on two strategies: Teaching-Learning Strategy and Assessment Strategy.

Teaching-Learning Strategy: Diverse methods are used in the department to develop the skills of original thinking and creative faculty of the students, providing course profile, use of lesson plan, technology integration and skill development mechanism. The instruction strategy is direct and teacher –student oriented. Here, teachers play vital roles and students are also encouraged to participate actively. It is done in the department in various ways like delivering lectures, multimedia presentation, explicit teaching, drill and practice, didactic questions, guided and shared-reading, listening, viewing, thinking, video, etc.

Assessment Strategy: Students’ performances are assessed in different ways in the Department of English like, presentation, viva, assignment, tutorials, midterm examination and final examination. All the assessment strategies are planned before the commencement of the particular course. The strategies are planned to measure students’ multiple skills through the achievement of intended learning outcomes of study. Students acquire grades based on their performances.

Programs Offered by Department of English

Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in English
M.A. in English

Programme Structure


Duration:                                                    04 Academic years

Total Credit Hours Requirement:              124 Credit Hours

Programme Structure:

Non Credit Courses:               01 Course   (0 Credit)0 Credits
General Education Course:   07 Courses (3 Credits each)21 Credits
Core Courses:                       27 Courses (3 Credits each)81 Credits
Concentration Courses:         06 Courses (3 Credits each)18 Credits
Dissertation04 Credits
Total  124 Credits

Programme Structure: Master of Arts (Final) in English

The Master of Arts in English programme is one-year terminal degree course conducted by the Department of English at Pacific University.

The distribution of courses into 3 semesters is as per the following plan:

 No. of CoursesCredits per CourseTotal Credits
Term #1339
Term #24312
Term #3