Right to change rule

The university reserves the right to change or revise requirements, rules and fees such regulations shall come into force whenever the proper authorities may determine.

Right to dismiss students

The university reserves the right to suspend, dismiss or exclude any student from the university, or from any class or classes, whenever, in the interest of the student or the university, the university administration considers such a course advisable.

Responsibility of students :
Students are individually responsible to read and know regulations contained in the PU prospectus. Failure to read and comply will not exempt students from liability.

Conduct of students :
PU strives to maintain a healthy academic atmosphere on its campus. All students are expected to actively contribute to achieving this goal by attending classes regularly and making appropriate use of all campus facilities. They shall endeavor to enhance their academic achievements, maintain discipline, keep the campus clean. In short, students are expected to be good citizens.

Academic honesty :
Any materials plagiarized or otherwise dishonestly prepared that a student submits as original work is taken to be cheating and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. Any student judged to have engaged in cheating might receive a reduced grade for the work in question, a failing grade in the course, or such other lesser penalty, as the teacher deems appropriate. Serious instances of indiscipline shall be dealt with more severely.

Medium of Instruction:
English is the medium of instruction and of examination. It is also the campus language. A Remedial English Course may be organized in a semester to help those students, who are deficient in English.

Course Load:
The normal load of fifteen-hour class lecture per week is generally expected of the students by accepted standard. In addition, there will be assignment, home works and exams each week. Moreover, the faculty will hold consultation and/or tutorial, thus raising contact hours of twenty. Students will have to access to the Computer Lab to prepare their papers & other assignments under supervision for up to 30 hours each semester. Preparation of papers and other assignments under supervision will raise workload to 30 hours a week. A student can graduate with the minimum requirements of 124 credits in four years.

Semester:The university offers three semester each academic year namely, Spring, Summer and fall Semesters. Each semester lasts for 13 weeks. Spring semester starts in January, Summer in June and Fall in Octobar.

Class attendance

Regular class attendance is a prerequisite for successful completion of course work. Teacher shall be responsible to inform students of the consequences of absence from class. The student shall be responsible to inform the teacher of possible absence from classes. Absence does not exempt students from obligation of class assignments & examinations. The teacher concerned will determine the manner in which missed assignments & examinations may be made up. A student may be dropped from a course for consecutive three absences.

Student Classification

A student is called a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior or Graduate. Students are classified in accordance with credits earned. The credits earned are used to establish class standing as follows:

Credits earnedClass
over 90senior
Earned degreegraduate

Academic Standing and Probation

A student whose cumulative GPA is equal to or greater than 2.00 is in good academic standing. Students with a GPA of less than 2.00 are placed on probation. Students on probation are allowed a maximum of three semesters to raise their GPA to 2.00. Students who fail to achieve a GPA of 2.00 within three semesters are dismissed from the University.

Change of degree program

Students who wish to change their degree program must submit a request to the Chairman of the Department upon recommendation of the Chairperson of the academic department to which the student intends to change. The office of the Registrar shall make the necessary changes to a student’s record.

Final Examinations

An academic calendar is prepared at the beginning of each semester.The time schedule for each exams:Mid-Term and Final exams are mentioned in the Academic Calendar. Each department prepared the routine in coordination with Registrars office.Results are published within 72 hours of the examination.